CLOSED Fiberside Chats: Lucy Neatby September 26th
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CLOSED Fiberside Chats: Lucy Neatby September 26th

This is a one time Live Zoom Event Saturday, September 26th: 2:00pm ADT(Novia Scotia is in Atlantic Time Zone), 1:00pm Eastern, 12:00pm Central, 11:00am MT, 10:00am Pacific

Over the last 40-ish years Lucy has explored many areas of knitting; intarsia, lace, modules, stranded (to name but some) and had been heard to say that she has no favourites. However for the last ten years or more she’s been down the rabbit hole that is double knitting. Her addiction to double knitting was not an overnight transformation and today we’ll take a look at her journey, what double layer knitting can achieve, why it has such a mystique, and for those interested, how to set out on the adventure into this parallel knitting universe. 

Fiberside Participants have an opportunity to do some double knitting along with Lucy.  There is some homework to prepare before the chat- so you can join in the fun!!  Click HERE!

Bio: Lucy has been an adventurous knitter since she was 17. She is originally from the UK, where she was a navigating officer in the Merchant Navy. She now lives in Nova Scotia. The Fleece Artist in Halifax, her LYS, gave her the opportunity to teach some classes, and she discovered her passion for sharing the engineering marvels of knitting. She has not stopped spreading the joy of Happy Stitches in the 30 years since, finding ingenious and intriguing ways to expand traditional techniques.

She is known for her colourful appearance and her friendly, detailed, technique-rich knitting patterns, and her particular fondness for double-layer knitting. She has written three books; Cool Socks Warm Feet, Cool Knitters Finish in Style and A Little Book of BIG Holes for Hand-knitters! and has filmed 16 DVD titles. She has five on-line classes with Foundations of Double Knitting, My First Socks, Fearless Knitting, Next Steps in Socks and Sock Knitalong 2016. She also annually offers an unusual knitting camp either on Tancook Island off Nova Scotia, or sometimes much further afield. Neatby enjoys trying to dispel the myth that only sedentary, quiet people in rocking chairs knit: she loves cycling, down-hill skiing, quilting, colourful home improvement and narrow-boating on the historic UK canal system. Visit Lucy at