Solicitude Wrap
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Solicitude Wrap

Our hearts break for all affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Justyna Lorkowska, the designer of the Solicitude wrap, lives by the border of Poland and Ukraine.  Her town, Pila, is hosting refugees.  
100% of pattern sales of the Solicitude Wrap will be donated to feed Ukranians seeking refuge in Poland.  

The kit does NOT include the pattern as it is only available directly from the designer on Ravelry for $ 10. 

Please join us for our Solicitude KAL kicking off in May.  100% of the proceeds will be donated to World Food Program and earmarked for UKRAINE refugees.  

The shawl consists of two sections which are repeated alternately throughout the shawl body. Odd-numbered sections are worked in Garter Stitch with I-Cord edging,
while even-numbered sections are worked in textured Diagonal Weave with I-Cord edging. All RS rows begin with an increase, while all WS rows begin with a decrease
and finish with an increase, thus creating a long triangle. The final section is finished with a small Garter Stitch border with I-Cord edge as well. The entire shawl is worked in two colors: main color (Color A) is used throughout each section divided with contrast color (Color B) intervals.
Every time Color B is introduced do not break Color A but carry it along the edge.

Kit contains 6 skeins of color A and 1 skein of color B of Shibui Lunar (60% Extra Fine Merino, 40% Mulberry Silk).

Not included in kit: 24" size 6 circular needle, tapestry needle, and blocking pins.

We encourage anyone who wants to participate in the Knit-a-Long to purchase the pattern now to support the food bank and to purchase or order their custom color kit of Lunar to have ready for the KAL.