Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday 12pm - 5 pm
Texsolv Weaving Heddles from Schacht Spindle Co.
TEXSOLV Heddles are listed as unlimited inventory and may or may not be in stock in store.
When you place your order we will order with Schacht and you will be notified when your heddles are in stock and ready for shipment or pick up in store.
Heddles are an essential part of all looms, and we have a variety to choose from—you’ll find inserted eye heddles for our Wolf and Standard Floor looms and Texsolv heddles for everything from the Inkle Loom to the Schacht Cranbrook!
Each package contains 100 heddles. Measurements and specs refer to a package of 100.
- For Cricket Quartet, use 5-7/8″ (red) Texsolv heddles.
- For Schacht Table Looms, Wolf Pup looms (all models) and Baby Wolf looms, we recommend inserted eye heddles—Texsolv heddles are too light.
- For Mighty Wolf and Standard Floor Looms, either inserted eye heddles or 9″ Texsolv heddles (brown) work well.
- For the Schacht Inkle Loom and Schacht Tapestry Loom, you can substitute 8-5/8″ heddles (small green) for string heddles.
- For Schacht Cranbrook Looms, use 12″ green heddles. For older Cranbrook models, use 11-1/2″ blue heddles.
The Arras Tapestry Loom uses 4″ heddles on a spool.
Flat steel heddles are no longer available.